A spam filter is a piece of software that is installed on a mail server and keeps track of all inbound email messages to prevent any undesirable ones from reaching a given mailbox. Several examples of such emails would be: offers for pills or money, false bank statements or email attachments that contain malicious software sent with the idea to infect your personal computer. Spam filters usually examine the content of an email and if they detect some keywords or other dubious content, they either delete the message or re-send it to the Junk/Spam folder instead of the Inbox folder. Certain web hosting companies combine their own email filters with up-to-date databases from spam-detecting organizations, so as to guarantee better security for their clients. Such databases contain patterns, email server IPs and other information about spam messages recently uncovered by these organizations.

Spam Filters in Shared Website Hosting

Our shared website hosting servers use one of the best spam filters available on the market. It’s called SpamAssassin and is offered with each package, so if you host your domain names with our company, you can pick one of the five levels of safety that the filter offers for any email account that you’ve got here. You can accomplish this with just two clicks from the Email Manager section of the Hepsia Control Panel that is used to manage all cloud hosting accounts. SpamAssassin examines the header section and the body of each email, gives it a spam score and then continues based on the level that you have picked. Each mailbox can have a different setting and you can choose whether the email messages that the anti-spam filter flags as spam should be deleted or re-sent to some other mailbox where you can review them at a later time, so as to prevent erasing an authentic message. Switching to another level or disabling the anti-spam protection is also really easy.

Spam Filters in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you get a semi-dedicated server plan from our company and if you create one or more email accounts with any of the domain names hosted in the account, you’ll be able to enable the powerful, 5-level SpamAssassin anti-spam filter that we provide and keep all unwelcome emails out of your inbox. This feature is accessible through the Email Manager section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel and it can be enabled or disabled for any mailbox whenever you wish. You can also adjust the protection level with a few clicks in case unsolicited bulk emails continue to appear in your inbox or the filter starts erasing legitimate emails. As you can choose whether the spam should be erased right away or delivered to a separate email address, you can create spam@domain.com, for example, and view all filtered email messages there, so as to make certain that you will not omit a message that you need. The email messages that the spam filter allows to proceed will still be received in your mailbox.