PHP, which is a metacronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, is amongst the most commonly used curly-brace programming languages that are available out there. Any site or web-based application created with PHP will run on a given server provided that a PHP module is activated, which makes the language really universal and it isn’t that unusual that there are actually a couple of million servers that support it and hundreds of millions of PHP-powered websites running on them. PHP is preferred over HTML because of the fact that it allows you to build a dynamic website with heaps of different options. A PHP-based social network, for instance, will serve different content to each visitor irrespective of the fact that the URL will remain the same. On the other hand, HTML sites are static and the page content itself can be edited only manually. Like any other piece of software, PHP has several versions and the version that was used while developing a specific website must be present on the server so that the site can run properly.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Shared Website Hosting

If you buy a shared website hosting plan from us, you’ll never need to speculate as to whether your websites are compatible with the hosting environment, as different PHP versions are enabled on our servers for the sake of your convenience. The Hepsia hosting Control Panel will permit you to choose PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 with just one single click and if you wish to change the version, the update will take effect instantaneously. In this way, years of work on websites created with an older version of PHP won’t go down the drain. Our hosting platform will even allow you to use a different version of PHP for each domain name hosted in your account, which implies that you can use older and newer scripts simultaneously. Most hosting providers on the market offer one, sometimes two versions of PHP. In stark contrast with them, we reckon that you should be the one to choose the version that your own websites will be using.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Semi-dedicated Servers

It’s our unvarying belief that several years spent building a site shouldn’t go down the tube, which implies that if you order a semi-dedicated server from our company, you’ll be able to run any script, regardless of whether it is old or new. In contrast with lots of hosting suppliers, we support several different PHP versions on our state-of-the-art cloud hosting platform – 4, 5 and 7. Not only will you be able to enable the needed version via your Hepsia hosting Control Panel, but you’ll also have the possibility to choose a different PHP version for each website. The latter can be done simply by putting an .htaccess file within the given site’s root folder. You can change the version both for a single site and for the entire account and the new settings will take effect in less than a few minutes. With our web hosting services, you can be sure that you will never encounter any site compatibility difficulties.