Perl is a well-liked web-oriented computer programming language, which is used to generate CGI scripts as well as various applications. It is really practical due to the fact that you don't need to submit the very same code time and again to have some process executed more than once, instead you are able to apply modules. They're pre-defined subroutines or sets of tasks that can be called and executed inside a script. In other words, you can add only a reference to a given module inside your code instead of using the entire module code over and over again. In this way, your script will be shorter, therefore it'll be executed a lot faster, not mentioning that it'll be easier to maintain and / or modify. In case you would like to employ a third-party ready-made Perl script rather than creating your own, it'll probably need certain modules to be pre-installed on the hosting server.

Over 3400 Perl Modules in Shared Website Hosting

In case you wish to use Perl-based apps on your sites - ready-made from a third-party website or tailor-made ones, you can reap the benefits of our huge module library. With more than 3400 modules installed on our custom-made cloud web hosting platform, you will be able to run any type of script, irrespective of the shared website hosting package that you pick. Once you log in to the Hepsia Control Panel which is provided with all of the accounts, you will be able to see the whole set of modules which we offer as well as the path that you need to add to your scripts so that they will access these modules. As we now have quite a massive library, you can find both widespread and rarely used modules. We prefer to be on the safe side, so if a third-party script that you would like to employ needs a module that isn't that popular, we'll still have it on our end.

Over 3400 Perl Modules in Semi-dedicated Servers

With more than 3400 Perl modules pre-installed on our cloud hosting platform, you are able to run almost any script app created in this programming language without a problem irrespective of the semi-dedicated server package that you select. The aforementioned applies for both pre-made apps that you get online and for custom-made ones that you write. We offer such a large number of modules for two reasons - first, to offer you a selection in respect to what kind of characteristics you'll be able to add to your applications and sites and second, to make sure that if you would like to use a ready script, it'll run flawlessly whatever the modules it needs. That's why, some of the modules in our library are very popular while others are used rarely. You'll find a list of all the modules inside your website hosting Control Panel in addition to the access path that your scripts will need to use the modules.