If you have bought a hosting plan and you’ve got certain questions concerning a specific function/feature, or if you have bumped into some predicament and you require help, you should be able to contact the respective client service staff. All hosting providers use a ticketing system regardless of whether they offer other ways of contacting them aside from it or not, since the quickest way to deal with a problem most often is to send a ticket. This method of communication makes the replies sent by both parties simple to follow and enables the customer care team representatives to escalate the issue in the event that, for instance, a system administrator should intervene. Most often, the ticketing system isn’t directly linked to the hosting space and is part of the billing account, so you will have to have no less than two separate accounts to touch base with the help desk staff and to actually administer the hosting space. Incessantly switching from one account to another can sometimes be a nuisance, not to mention the fact that it takes a very long period of time for most hosting companies to answer ticket requests.

Integrated Ticketing System in Shared Website Hosting

Our Linux shared website hosting plans come bundled with an integrated trouble ticket system, which is an essential part of our in-house developed Hepsia Control Panel. Unlike other similar tools, Hepsia permits you to manage everything related to the web hosting service itself in the exact same place – invoices, web files, e-mails, tickets, etc., avoiding the necessity to use different admin consoles. If you have any pre-sales or technical questions or any difficulties, you can submit a ticket with a couple of clicks without having to leave your hosting Control Panel. In the meantime, you may pick a category and our system will present you with a variety of educative articles, which will supply you with additional info and which may help you resolve any given issue even before you actually submit a ticket. We guarantee a support ticket response time of no more than 60 minutes, even if it’s a weekend or an official holiday.

Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Servers

In case you’ve got a semi-dedicated server account with us and you would like to touch base with our client support team, you’ll be able to post a support ticket directly from your Hepsia Control Panel instead of using a totally different customer support platform like you will need to do with the majority of hosting companies on the market. Our integrated trouble ticket system will permit you to send a new ticket without any hassle and to search through older tickets using an intelligent search box. Besides, you’ll be able to have a look at the applicable knowledge base articles that our system will offer you in accordance with the category that you pick for your new ticket. You can perform all the above-mentioned procedures without logging out of your Control Panel at any time, so if you come across any difficulty or have an inquiry, you can get in touch with our support engineers and solve the specific problem within the hour using one support platform.