The performance of every website depends not only on the script which it uses, but also on the web server where it is accommodated. In case the hardware is powerful and reliable, the applications that run on it will function well. Additional RAM, for example, suggests that more processes can run in the same time, while a quicker processor indicates that all these processes will be executed a lot quicker. This matters since a web hosting service involves emails, databases, logs, and many others, so each of the aforementioned processes must have some system resources so that it can work efficiently. If the server doesn't have the right amount of power, the Internet sites hosted on it won't perform well or can even time out if the machine is unable to handle all the requests to it. Hosting your websites on servers with appropriate hardware will give you the performance which you would like to have for them.

24-core servers, hardware in Shared Website Hosting

In case you decide to get one of our shared website hosting solutions, you will not need to worry about the servers where your Internet sites will be accommodated or about the deficiency of resources. We employ a revolutionary cloud platform and every single service is managed by an individual cluster of servers. Every single machine in the clusters has 24 processor cores and 64 GB RAM, so no matter what applications you wish to employ, they'll function at top speed all the time. We could always include additional machines to any of the clusters, meaning that the processing power and the hdd space for our solutions is practically limitless. For better performance, we use NVMe drives for the storage, that will boost the overall performance of your Internet sites substantially. Since our servers are not only very powerful, but also redundant, you won't notice any downtime for any Internet site which you host on our end.

24-core servers, hardware in Semi-dedicated Servers

The semi-dedicated server accounts that we offer include a lot of unlimited features for a reason - they are created on a revolutionary cloud web hosting platform which consists of a large number of powerful servers. 24-core processors, 64 GB RAM and NVMe drives will provide you with the best possible hardware environment for your web apps and you'll never encounter a situation where the system resources are not enough - something which happens frequently with many other Internet hosting providers. All the hardware parts are enterprise-level and are tested extensively before we use them so as to avoid any possible troubles in the future. Our cloud platform can be easily expanded by connecting additional servers to the cluster which needs them and considering the hardware every single machine comes with, you'll never have to worry if your websites will perform well or not. Since no account is ever generated on a single server, there is no scenario where several clients can use up all available system resources.

24-core servers, hardware in VPS Servers

If you purchase a VPS server from our firm, it will be set up on a powerful machine, so all the system resources that are listed in the plan features on our website will be guaranteed all the time. Every single physical server includes multiple processors with an overall of 24 cores and 64 gigabytes RAM. As our VPS solutions are scalable, we ensure that in case all clients on the server decide to upgrade, there'll be sufficient resources, so that you will be able to use what you have paid for at all times. What's more, all of the physical servers feature NVMe drives which are significantly quicker when compared with the standard HDDs, so your sites will function at their top speed. The server configuration is among the basic reasons behind our service level warranties as we never make any kind of compromise with the hardware and you'll always get the very best possible internet hosting service.

24-core servers, hardware in Dedicated Servers

The dedicated servers that we offer feature different hardware configurations so as to provide you with a choice to get the ideal one in terms of the system resources you need and the funds you have, but all of them are rather powerful and will offer fantastic performance for any type of Internet site. Depending on what you wish to run, you will be able to employ up to 12 CPU cores with more than 24 GHz processing speed along with up to 16 GB of physical memory just for your web apps. All the parts that we use for the servers are tested carefully before and after your machine is assembled to make sure that there's no faulty hardware. In case any kind of issue appears nonetheless, the support crew that is available 24/7 in our US datacenter can swap any part and restore the adequate functioning of your server in no more than a few minutes.