Running a website includes much more than uploading files and updating their content. Each Internet hosting service enables you to use various functions which the web server offers, such as limiting the access to a site based on the guest's location, redirecting the traffic from one site to another one or using an .htaccess file to activate or turn off a variety of options. Most tech-savvy users can take full advantage of all these functions by hand by entering code inside specific system files, but in the event that you do not have any experience and can't do any of these things or you just want to save some time, you could make use of the tools that we have incorporated into our web hosting accounts, giving you more adaptability and control over your Internet sites.

Advanced Tools in Shared Website Hosting

Because all shared website hosting packages include the Hepsia Control Panel, you'll be able to take advantage of our innovative tools regardless of the plan you pick and through the very same intuitive interface which Hepsia comes with. All tools are a breeze to use, so the functions which they will permit you to utilize won't take more than several mouse clicks. With the .htaccess generator you will be able to set up language redirection, stop the access to your website from particular referrers or enable PHP code inside HTML files. The IP address Blocking tool shall permit you to restrict the access to your Internet sites based on the IP address of the site visitors, while the Outgoing Connections manager shall enable you to restrict what remote servers your sites could connect to. The tools within Hepsia include Hotlink Protection, Password Protection, Sitemap Generator and other practical tools which will allow you to employ innovative options without coding skills or previous experience needed because they are all handled through the easy-to-use Hepsia interface.

Advanced Tools in Semi-dedicated Servers

The Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with all of our semi-dedicated server packages, features a large number of tools which will enable you to manage your web presence without any coding skills. The tools have an extremely simple interface and you could employ of them by clicking drop-down menus, so even in the event that you have never had an Internet site before, you'll be able to very easily create a comprehensive sitemap, stop IP addresses from accessing one or more of your sites or protect any folder in the semi-dedicated account with a password. For more control, you can also change various PHP settings via radio buttons, so you can quickly configure the account for any script application that you'd like to set up. We have also included a .htaccess generator tool that will enable you to create a system file effortlessly and take advantage of a number of features that this type of a file can enable for your websites.

Advanced Tools in VPS Servers

The VPS servers that we supply with our Hepsia hosting CP come with a wide variety of convenient tools which will enable you to manage your websites with ease using advanced options through a quite simple interface. For example, you'll be able to generate a search engine friendly sitemap, block IP addresses or entire networks from accessing your Internet sites, set password protection for any folder on the server or redirect a website or a subdomain, and every one of these things could be carried out with merely a couple of mouse clicks even by non-experienced users. Just as easily you can also customize the PHP settings of the web server without any PHP coding skills using radio buttons and you could take advantage of numerous complex options through the intuitive .htaccess generator that can create system directives within a folder of your choice.

Advanced Tools in Dedicated Servers

If you pick the in-house created Hepsia hosting CP for your dedicated server, you shall be able to employ of various practical sophisticated instruments which we have included in it. These instruments have a very intuitive interface and will supply you with superior control of the Internet sites hosted on the web server even if you aren't tech-savvy. You shall be able to set a password for a particular folder and block the unauthorized access to it or restrict the access of certain IP addresses to the server, build a sitemap for any of your sites, forward domains and subdomains, etcetera. To make things much easier, we offer a point-and-click interface to control the server PHP settings, so you'll not require any computer programming skills to make adjustments to order for the hosting server to meet the system requirements of some script app that you would like to run. You shall also be able to create .htaccess files with different system directives within them just as easily.