We have added a couple of Website Acceleration Tools in the Hosting Control Panel to assist you to effortlessly enhance the online performance of your web sites. You will not need to transform anything within the backend code or try to make specific configuration settings that demand specialized comprehension on your part. Inside the Hosting Control Panel, merely opt for the tool you wish to employ – Node.js, Varnish and Memcached and create an instance for it. It’s all done with a mouse click. By quickening your web sites, you’ll not just stop your website visitors from being required to hang on but also will make your website get better positions in search results.

You will find the Website Acceleration Tools in the Advanced Tools part of the Hosting Control Panel.


RAM–caching as an alternative for data–base queries

In case you have a data–base–loaded site or web application, and if database requests frequently decrease the overall performance, this can be really frustrating for the site visitors as well as the web application users. Finding a resolution can generally demand a considerable amount of time. However, within the Ascenica Hosting Control Panel, there’s an easy resolution for you.

Memcached is a simple, yet strong memory–based object store, that collects data and objects in the RAM. Using this method, the database–saved information on your web site will not need to be requested every time a visitor opens up exactly the same web page.

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RAM–storing as an alternative to HTTP calls

Utilizing the Varnish website accelerator incorporated into Ascenica’s Hosting Control Panel, you can make your website pages come up a lot quicker for your customers. All of the adjustments are made by way of a convenient interface, without needing to generate any kind of direct corrections to the code of your web site.

Varnish is definitely an HTTP acceleration tool that helps all webpages work a lot quicker by caching them within the server’s memory. By doing this, after a web page has been opened up by a visitor to your site once, it does not need to be shipped from the server anymore, which generally minimizes loading speeds and then accelerates your webpages. It’s been measured that Varnish normally accelerates website load times with a 300 – 1000x factor.

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Assemble scalable web applications effortlessly

Node.js offers a modern programming program for establishing flexible web applications and websites in record time. It can be utilized for almost anything – from handling API requests, streaming files plus parsing e–mails to converting pics, audio files, movies and office docs.

It’s using the Google V8 JavaScript engine and utilizes an event–based, non–blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and productive. Additionally, Node.js offers a substantial supportive community that creates consistent improvements for the program and is at all times all set to offer advice.

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