Using the variety of Marketing Resources integrated into the Hosting Control Panel, you are able to start promoting your brand new web site, right after it’s been launched. Using the RSS News publishing software, you can quickly put a frequently kept up–to–date news section on your web site. With the GeoIP re–direction instrument, you’re able to reroute your visitors depending on their location. In addition, from the Sitemap Generator, you can make a complete sitemap for your site and send it to major search engines.

A Sitemap Generator

A sitemap creator integrated right into your Hosting Control Panel

In case you have just recently launched your website and want it to be scanned more quickly by the the major search engines, or if you need to offer your users a quick method to navigate through all of your web pages, then you’ll need to utilize a sitemap. Sitemap is a a list of all the webpages on your website that have been hyperlinked to. Generally, you will need to turn to 3rd party tools to deliver the results, however, with Ascenica, you can get a Sitemap Generator built straight to the Hosting Control Panel.

The Sitemap Generator we provide is generally easy to use and because it is entirely suitable for our cloud Linux shared website hosting plans platform – your website is going to be examined extremely fast.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Physical location–focused redirections with only a click of the mouse

Ascenica offers you an excellent way to re–route your visitors based on physical location. From the GeoIP re–direction tool, you are able to redirect all of the visitors who come from a specific country to a native language variant of your site. For instance, if you’ve got an Italian version of your website, you can easily direct all of the visitors coming from Italy to that webpage instead of asking them to move to Italian once they land on the English version. This enables you to provide your clients with a user–friendly online experience right from the start.

There is no need for any special capabilities or tech comprehension to employ the GeoIP redirection tool. It is set up with a click of the mouse.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Show the most current headlines within your website

What is actually RSS? RSS can be described as a method for distributing and gathering website content. It’s becoming widely used by news sites, personal blogging sites, bulletins, and so on. The submitted content is quickly gathered through a news aggregator and then displayed to the consumer. Utilizing RSS, end users can acquire news from multiple websites and review them in a sole location.

With the RSS News Syndication tool, you can quickly add information feeds from some of the world’s most favored publication outlets and exhibit them on you website.

RSS News